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3rd German-French Summer School on Electrochemistry and Nanotechnology

Deutsch-Französische Sommer- und Winterschulen


U Halle-Wittenberg - C’Nano PACA Marseille

After the successes of the previous events held in 2004 and 2007, the C’Nano PACA and Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik organize the 3rd German-French Summer School on Electrochemistry and Nanotechnology.
Similarly to the previous summer schools, this event is mainly addressed to PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and young scientists.
Three different topics will be proposed during the summer school: advanced materials, energy-environment and biology-health. The focus is to provide a high education level and it targets also to offer a multidisciplinary teaching for non-specialists in order to depict the main issues and developments of the various subjects.
In addition to the pedagogic purposes, the summer school should be a mean to federate French and German researchers. Bilateral collaborations should be initiated or strengthen.

Die Sommerschule wird von der Französischen Botschaft Berlin kofinanziert.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 17. May 2018